Ring A Ding Ding: Sparks

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RADD has a stable economy called Sparks, which is a serverside currency that you can use to pay other players, capture land with, or purchase custom items from Lawson's shop. Sparks cannot be duplicated, cannot be purchased for any in-game value, and are passively influenced by player actions, such as trading, crafting, and completing quests. This dynamic “Sparks Economy” encourages players to engage with the world and interact with others to obtain valuable gear, weapons, and items.

Accessing Spark Portfolio

Sparks you own can be found in both your wallet and your bank. For some transactions you must have Sparks in your wallet to purchase with, and some more systematic charges bill directly to your bank.

Additionally, each capture point in the map is a Spark bank that can be accessed/deposited if you own the land.

Spark portfolios are immune from RADD server wipes.


Your character has a wallet of Sparks on their person, which can be accessed with /wallet. With the wallet, you can pay other players, purchase items from item vendors (such as Lawson, or from a Teller), and make deposits or withdrawals to a bank.

When you are killed by another player in PVP, the Sparks inside your wallet are transferred to the other player - so be cautious about carrying large bundles of Sparks at any given time.


Your main persistent storage of Sparks is your bank. It can be accessed by any Bank Teller located around the map by using /bank, /withdraw, /deposit, and /statement. You can transfer sparks from your wallet and vice-versa.

Banks are immune from theft.

Capture Point Banks

When inside a capture area, you can access the bank of the point as if it was a personal banking teller. Capture points each day take Spark from the point's bank for upkeep of the land, and if you are a faction your HQ is directly billed first instead.

Capture point banks are not immune from theft, if someone captures the land then the contents of its bank can be stolen.

Methods to earn Sparks

  • Passive gameplay test
  • TASDA test


To give Sparks to another player, you can run the command /pay Name Amount, eg. /pay Jim 1500. The target of your transaction must be online and near your person in order to give Sparks.